Display Calendar with the year from the age 16 to 65 years old

I’m new to scriptcase with little php knowledge.
Recently i would like create a date field with a calendar display.
But i wanna to limit the calendar year with the age conditions. For example, the years of the calendar in the range of age 16-65years old from the current year. So year 1949-2008 will be shown in calendar if the current year is 2014.

I have try the minimum and maximum date in the field setting but the calendar is follow the limit year value, the result of the calendar is not what i want. Please help.

anyone can help?

What you can try is to use global variables in the properties of min and max date and fill that with your detail. I expect that you have to fiddle a lot as date functions and formats in php are pretty complicated. I never hadto do this so I haven’t tried, but it’s the way I would start to try.

Thanks Aducom,

In my form application, i set the year limit to 60years in the date field setting.

I try to read the possible source code for my form application.

I found a php file which called xxxxxxx_jquery.php. In this php file, there is one function called scJQCalendarAdd, i found a variable “yearRange: 'c-30:c+30”.

So i guess this is the variable to limit the year range, it divides 60years into 2, begin and end year in datepicker (displayed calendar) with 30years.

Here i got few question if my guess is right.

Can i change the php file directly? Any special function in scriptcase to let us change the sourcecode? or any function/macro/function to prevent scriptcase overwriting the source when we regenerate the source code (update the application)? Sorry, I’m new in scriptcase. Maybe my question doesn’t make sense.

The only legal place to influence the code are the events. I highly advise not to change generated code as it will be overwritten on every new generation.