Display or hide form buttons in grid application

I want to hide and display my form buttons in grid application but if I use the macro sc_btn_display() I need to know the name of the button so what is the name of “form buttons” ?? like the button new has the name “new”

Please, look at the documention … Click! (ScriptCase Macros / ScriptCase Macros / sc_btn_display())

Buttons Name
first Goes to the first page of the grid.
back Goes to the previous page of the grid.
forward Goes to the next page of the grid.
last Goes to the last page of the grid.
filter Displays the “Filter” button.
pdf Generates colored PDF.
det_pdf Generates detail PDF.
pdfbw Generates black and white PDF.
xls Generates the XLS.
xml Generates the XML.
cvs Generates the CVS.
rtf Generates the RTF.
word Generates the Word.
print Displays the “Print” button in the grid.
det_print Displays the “Print” Button in the detail.
summary Displays the “Summary” button in the grid.
new Displays the “New” button. (if the application has link for it, or if the form is running in the grid iframe)
insert Displays the “Include” button of the form. (only for forms running in grid?s iframe)
update Displays the “Update” button of the form. (only for forms running in grid?s iframe)
delete Displays the “Delete” button of the form (only for forms running in grid?s iframe)
qsearch Displays the “Quick Search” button in the grid.

Buttons Name (Form):
Buttons Name
first Goes to the first page of the form.
back Goes to the previous page of the form.
forward Goes to the next page of the form.
last Goes to the last page of the form.
new Displays the “New” button on the form, if its off the form will starts in insertion mode.
insert Displays the “Include” button of the form.
update Displays the “Update” button of the form.
delete Displays the “Delete” button of the form.
copy Displays the “Copy” button of the form.
qsearch Displays the “Quick Search” button of the form.
pdf Generates PDF file from form.
print Open the form in print mode.

Buttons Name (Control):
Buttons Name
ok Displays the “Ok” button on a control.
exit Displays the “Exit” button on a control.
facebook Displays the “Facebook” button on a control.
twitter Displays the “Twitter” button on a control.
google Displays the “Google+” button on a control.
paypal Displays the “PayPal” button on a control.

I think you should not copy this …

AH, I’m in a good mood today :wink:

SC is actually going to investigate a serious bug with remote access next week. So things are moving…