Displaying a progress bar on grid search

Hello, I am new to scriptcase and php development. I am using scriptcase to create a basic CRUD app for our company. I have a login and grid application to start. The grid opens to a search form. I would like to display a progress bar while the initial results are gathered. Is this possible?

Thank you for any pointers

Yes it is possible, however not out-of-the-box and it’s a pretty advanced solution. But you can add javascript to the form, so you can add a div which you fill with a progress indicator. I’m not a javascript guru, but there are samples containing javascript. A progress bar isn’t easy as this needs to reflect the real progress. That requires that the server is continuously communicates with the client which is not a decent thing to do.

I understand, what about just a “hour glass” like indicator. I am presenting the application thru a wordpress site (via the scritpcase plugin). And when the search is submitted, it just looks like the site is doing nothing for about 2 seconds. I just want to show a wait indicator. It does not have to display actual progress.

Again, I’m not a javascript guru. But in basic you can create a small div echo’ing the needed html in the onapplicationinit.
in the onscriptinit I think you can echo to fill the div with a reference to an image.
in the onload you can clear the div.

I searched for a sample, as I can remember having seen something similar, but the FAQ here as well as this forum didn’t show up what I was looking for. I fear you have to fiddle a bit. But I hope that someone has a good sample or can refer to a sample here somewhere.

I’m no java script guru also :slight_smile: So there is no quick solution?
Well i guess i’ll have to do with a field that will show the percentage in a number and will refresh every time the page refreshes.