Document upload

I have an issue with the document upload in Scriptcase,
I have a form where I can upload documents (varbinary) and I specified a DB column for the File Name as well.

The issue I’m having is when we try to upload a file, for example a .docx, and in its name it has a special character, for example : “ä” or “ü”, as soon as I load the file and press “Save” on the form, it will display a sweetAlert error with the message:

“Document: (upload failed)”

and if I remove the special characters from the file name, it will upload correctly.

I tried on the Event to intercept the filename before update, and swap the special characters with normal ones, but I guess there is a check in place from scriptcase, that as soon as not-allowed characters are present, it will pop the sweetalert with the error, not allowing me to change dynamically the filename.

Our DB allows special characters, and if I upload a file with a normal name, and on the Event: beforeUpdate I do the following :

{fileName} = “äüö”;

This will change the filename before upload and upload it correctly to our DB with those special characters! This makes me thing that it’s scriptcase that is blocking the upload.

Any pointers? Thank you