does anybody know how to change the color scheme of a calendar

HI there,

does anybody know how to change the color scheme of a calendar? there is no option in the css layout, so you can’t change it there.

It’s based upon the open-source jquery calendar component. May be you will find your answer there.(

Yeah, I already saw that. there is some nice coding over there but it does’t affect the calendar in scriptcase.

what do you mean by changing color sheme? color of the events or color buttons/background/, or what exactly?

the colors of the calendar itself. like the borders, buttons and the column where the days or months are in. it is now grey and i would like to use some corporate colors in it

use css

.fc-view-container for all day-blocks
.fc-day: all day except datenumber
fc-wed: for all wednesdays
fc-month-button: for monthview
fc-view-container + bordersetting to draw border around calendar


use inspector to get classname

i’m not such a hero with css… i’ll give it a try. thanks

Well. thats not as easy as it sounds. When changing the css the small calender also changes but not entirely. The text stays black and when changing it the numbers also change… any suggestion.

try another class or use an id to change the css

#id{color: white;}
.icss{color: white;}