When making an SQL in EDITION Lookup in a feeld scripcase uses sc_concat()
i cannot find anything about sc_concat in the manual…
I try to use it like this :
j_contacts_x_dossier.id, sc_concat( s_role.role,’ ', t_company.company, ’ ', t_department.department, ’ ', t_contacts.callname, ’ ',t_contacts.lastname )
INNER JOIN s_role ON j_contacts_x_dossier.role = s_role.id
LEFT JOIN t_contacts ON j_contacts_x_dossier.id_contact = t_contacts.id
LEFT JOIN t_department ON j_contacts_x_dossier.id_department = t_department.id
LEFT JOIN t_company ON j_contacts_x_dossier.id_company = t_company.id
WHERE j_contacts_x_dossier.id_dossier = 510[/i]
but the outcome is very strange… it does not give any… this looks like i’m crosing a limit … maybe max number of characters…
when i try to make it smaler…
j_contacts_x_dossier.id, sc_concat( s_role.role,’ ', t_company.company, ’ ', t_department.department )
it only gives output if all 3 fields have content … if for example i have a company without a department is it not shown…
any ideas ?