How to Draw vertical or horizontal Line or Boxes for invoice format in PDF Report.
Is it possible in SC.?
How to Draw vertical or horizontal Line or Boxes for invoice format in PDF Report.
Is it possible in SC.?
Yes it is possible, under (layout Pdf) select (Interface), go to the bottom of the page and add one cell, now change the field type to (pre-defined text), now type or paste your horizontal line, regarding draw boxes or vertical line: i think you need to draw what you want in Photoshop -for example- and export the image as transparent PNG image then use this image as background for your Pdf report.
I hope this helps you.
I am already using this process But whenever i used a background image with the PDF report then the image is printed on every page, if i want some additional summery in the last page within the separate box then it looks awkward. That’s why i want to know whether i can draw box or not?
After creation of your $pdf php object you can use this object anyway you like. So all tcPDF features can be used.
Thanks aducom
I can’t understand how to use $pdf php object, can you provide any help link about this or any explanation.
You need to dive into the generated code to see which global variable Scriptcase is using.Then you can use the methods of the pdf library to do your stuff. So find out you need to investigate the tcpdf documentation on the tcpdf website. (sorry, I don’t have all the info in my head, just know where to find it).
not needed Albert. all Tcodf functions are mapped (and bad documented) on web help. I’m not in front of a Pc but there are macros to paint in the same way you do directly with the lib. names are (with sc_ prefix)
Is there any Examples…?
i will try to do it.