Any examples or DOCs on how to implement a dropdown filtering ?
I woul like to have a dropdown on a toolbar with some pre-defined values, so the user can select from the list , then the grid would filter accordingly.
Any examples or DOCs on how to implement a dropdown filtering ?
I woul like to have a dropdown on a toolbar with some pre-defined values, so the user can select from the list , then the grid would filter accordingly.
this would be in a Grid? If yes, use the Quick search application and then set the fields you want to filter…
The problem is that the filter must work without user entering any data but rather selecting.
Another words thewre should be a list of items in a dropdown list, and only this list (nothing else could be used for selection). Better yet if this list would be provided as a lookup from another table
In this case would create an app custom control and would do anything, then it would create a label and turned it into an iframe calling app control. Will be too much work.
Why not just add a dropdown with your filter in it, create an ajax onchange event on it, fill a global variable with the select depending on the selected item and do a sc_redir to the same application. Add the global variable to the where clause. After you select a new value from the list and fill the filter to the global variable the form is reloaded and the sql with your global where clause get’s executed.
thanks ‘aducom’
I will try and test your suggestion
I wonder also if there is a way to display more than one column in a SELECT type drop down list.
I see when I do this in SC, then the drop down selects values from both columns and combines them into one string (which is not what I want).
For example I want to lookup a product list and see the list in 2 columns (i.e. ProductCode | ProductName), but after the selection I want ony the ProductCode selected into the field
Yes, I would like that too, but it’s a html issue. You don’t have a drop down in columns. But in this case you can consider creating a modal caption link. This can be a grid and that has columns.
Hi, since I have the same wish, I found this page via Google. I follow the suggestion of aducom, that works, thanks a lot. My question is: can I open the grid in iframe under the control app?
in some sense you can, but when I have had an App with Tabs the method for selecting using Modal Window doesn’t work very well because the scrolling is screwed up. If you have no Tabs on the form it works fine.
Hey Alber - have you done something like assigning a local Var from dropdown list ?
I have 2 fields on the FORM
I also have 2 tables
I want on this same form allow user to select Country then when opening Regions dropdown filter only regions for that particular country.
I think this is pretty common behavior. I’[m not sure however where to go to assign Country to some Var so I can filter Regions later… ?