Dynamic advanced search fields

Hello forum,

I’m currently working on a grid application. I open the search initially, and the grid under it so it’s possible for a user to quickly filter his results.
The grid has a dynamic field selection. I use the ajax code from the scriptcase macro sc_field_display to hide and show fields.

$this->NM_cmp_hidden["$field"] = "off";
        if (!isset($this->NM_ajax_event) || !$this->NM_ajax_event) 
            $_SESSION['sc_session'][$this->Ini->sc_page]['Grid_Voorraadcel']['php_cmp_sel']["$field"] = "off"; 

I couldn’t get this to work on my search fields though. The only thing that worked is manually go in the phpcode and set the fields to hidden.
However this sets the fields to hidden for all users. Does anyone know a way to set them hidden based on user variables?

Maybe the scriptcase team can implement this easily?

Thanks in advance.


Any update on this? Im also trying to have a dynamic advanced search of my grid application.
Dynamically hide and show a search field. If a field is visible, then is should be required.


I am facing the same issue: trying to hide a field on “Advanced Search” based on conditions.

Did you solve the issue?

