I have a sc mainmenu application like a MS mainmenu (file…). The is a item thats calls “modules” as Label and “item_3” as sc id.
i will, that the menue item “Modules” (item_3) enhenced with my own modules as submenuitems.
In the onExecute (and) in the onLoad eventhandlermethod of the menu app I wrote the following code.
If (sc_appmenu_exist_item('MainMenu','item_3')){
sc_error_message('Mainmenue not enhanced!');
Whats happens? Nothing! No New Menuitem and no Errormassage.
I try to call the sc_appmenu_create() macro (see the help topic in WebHelp on scriptcase.net), but than I have no Menuitems. Also I generate the code new, the Mainmanu is empty!! Not till I restart the scripcase than is the mainmenu app complete as i defined it.
Whats wrong? Thanks for Help…