Dynamic menu's using Database Tables

Menu generation using Database tables
We would like to create a security module as below
1. Form level authentication
2. button level Authentication
The purpose of the the above authentication is to develope a form which will have to be authenticated before it was invoked by the users
the forms can be used by different users, based on there button rigths
the following table struture can be used to control the entire authentication process

1. db_UserMaster
2. db_menuMaster
3. db_buttonmaster	
4. db_UserMenurights
5. db_UserButtonRights

In the above the user and password has to be registered in the db_userMaster table.

The db_menuMaster has all the menu’s used inthe application. When the menu is created, by default the db_userMenurights will be updated for each user with disabled
rights (Done by MS SQL Trigger)
There would be a provision to Apporve the forms one by one in the application will select all the buttons and insert into db_button master. By default when the
button is registered in db_buttonmaster it creates the default entry in db_userbuttonRights with disabled option (Done by MS SQL Trigger)

So the application constructs will be defined in the SQL tables and Menu, authentication and authorisation is controlled dynamically

Can the Scriptcase can refer and gernerate dynamic menu and dynamic Authentication …?

Anybody can comment…?


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

In Sc_tickets -> Knowledge -> menu_knowledge [form] the Dymanic menu is created using sc_addmenu_add_item()
*****Code Starts here

sc_appmenu_add_item(menu_knowledge, Home, , Home, menu_knowledge_start, ,grp__NM__home.png , , );
sc_appmenu_add_item(menu_knowledge, Search, , Search, grid_kb_articles_search, , , , );
sc_appmenu_add_item(menu_knowledge, root, , Categories, , , , , );
*****************Code ends here *********************

But there is no documentation… given any where…?

anybody can help,…?


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

No response yet.
Some Tech support from Netmake says it will work in V4, and Some says doesn’t work…! But I could able to find in the SC_tickets sample…! Who Know it…?


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

Where you looking for the app, or where it exists in the app?



Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables


The Dynmic Menu is given in the V5. But No samples, Documentation or Tutorials…! How to use this feature…

I had found lot of Unknow things without proper documentation and samples…! Any one has sample of dynamic menu creation using V5 or V4…?

It is better to create our own Forum TOPIC to Host some of the sample applications which would be used by SC users…! Any one can join…!


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

Hopefully the new website will go online soon with all the examples.


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

Here is a post I found.

Of course you will have to use Google Translate and paste the URL to read in the language of your choice.


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

The dynamic menu sample has now been added to the online Samples.


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

I am trying to buid Dynmic menu using sc_appadd_menu_item using the parameters specified the Help.
The Last parameter is calling the Target application which might be any one of (This window, other window & Exit).

I am using the Menu table as per the attached XLS.

The macro traps error and doens’t recognize the last parameter…! refer error.jpg

The Other issue is, it is working only with Tree menu. When I Convert in to Horizondal menu, the “UNdefined Offset” error is comming.
I have attached the My login & Menu form and all related information along with this…!

Please advise

Thanks & Regards


Subject: RE: Reg. Dynmic Menu / Target Error
Date: 2010-01-29 Time: 15:18:31

Target must be “_blank” or “_self”.

Best Regards,

V?tor Jamil
Netmake - Support Team

Subject: RE: Reg. Dynmic Menu / Target Error
Date: 2010-01-30 Time: 01:24:05
Hi Vitor,

Not Working…!

Please read my Query again…! the Target parameter in sc_redir would _blank or self.

I had 2 problems

  1. problem in the sc_appadd_menu_item. Please open Menu application Onload event and find the sc_appadd_menu_item macro call last parameter is not recoginzed. As per menu application it should be “Other window/This window/ Exit”

  2. When the Menu application is converted into Vertical to Horizantal “Undefined Offset” error is trapped. Please change the menu application to horizontal and check also find my screeshots relevent to that error

Thanks & Regards

Subject: RE: Reg. Dynmic Menu / Target Error
Date: 2010-01-30 Time: 01:51:56
Hi Vitor,

Sorry…! Now it seems working…! Can you Please advise what _self does and _blank does on menu applications…>?


Anyone can help me on this…?

Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

I scanning through this, as to your quest about _blank and _self.

_self loads the app in the same page your are on, replacing the page, in the current frame.
_blank loads the app into a new page/tab depending on your browser settings.
_parent loads the app in the same page, replacing all frames. Like starting over.


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

Thanks… But… did you understand the difference between Menu application and Tree application…?

I am trying to implement application menu using sc_appmenu_add_item, it is working with tree menu but the same is trapping error in with Horizontal menu.
I had all sources and relevent files attached with the below support ticket…


any idea…?

Thanks in advance

Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

My fault.

Have you looked at line 726?

Sometimes you have to jump into the code and see what the heck SC is trying to do … then search it out online and see what others have done.


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

Hi scott,
I couldn’t see anything in th eline 726…! anyway… now it seems working and i am still getting undefined valirable arr_childmenu. It is declared where could be the issues


Re: Dynamic menu’s using Database Tables

This seems to be an internal error. You have have to export this app and send it to support/bugs @ netmake.com.br
