Menu generation using Database tables
We would like to create a security module as below
1. Form level authentication
2. button level Authentication
The purpose of the the above authentication is to develope a form which will have to be authenticated before it was invoked by the users
the forms can be used by different users, based on there button rigths
the following table struture can be used to control the entire authentication process
1. db_UserMaster
2. db_menuMaster
3. db_buttonmaster
4. db_UserMenurights
5. db_UserButtonRights
In the above the user and password has to be registered in the db_userMaster table.
The db_menuMaster has all the menu’s used inthe application. When the menu is created, by default the db_userMenurights will be updated for each user with disabled
rights (Done by MS SQL Trigger)
There would be a provision to Apporve the forms one by one in the application will select all the buttons and insert into db_button master. By default when the
button is registered in db_buttonmaster it creates the default entry in db_userbuttonRights with disabled option (Done by MS SQL Trigger)
So the application constructs will be defined in the SQL tables and Menu, authentication and authorisation is controlled dynamically
Can the Scriptcase can refer and gernerate dynamic menu and dynamic Authentication …?
Anybody can comment…?