Easy way to logout users in a multiuser environment

It’s common that when you don’t log out in a decent way the sessions remain in the SC database. If someone wants to logon it can even lead to a message that all concurrent users are already logged on. Then it is not easyily possible to remove old sessions. Same goes for the user who has more session ‘alive’. He get’s a list of all sessions with the question which one to logout. An option to clean out all would be greatly appreciated. Now we need to find the sc sqlite database and remove the hanging sessions by hand. Sure there must be a better solution for this problem.

delete from sc_tbsess…

delete from sc_tbati ( nm_scriptcase database )

I’ve created a little app with SC that manage the sessions so it’s easy to free. just publish the project under some place :slight_smile:
I you need i can send to you by mail ( not possible to post here because the limit for file size )


I will discuss your suggestion with our team.
