Edit button on Grid creates an empty form

Hi! I am doing a grid linked to a form and I am have some questions about the edit button. For example, if I want to edit one row, when I click the button it opens another tab and the form is complety empty. I want to mantain the previous data, and just change the necessary to update that row. It is possible to do this and if so, it is a change in the grid or in form parameters?

You need send a parameter from grid to Form, so the form can retrieve same record and you can edit it.

Hi alvagar, Thank you for the reply. Can you elaborate a litlle bit more? I’m quite new to the scriptcase.

try create a new app with batch aplications from SC menu for example:

Hi! I really wanted to use the previous form and grid created. In the section Application Link I have linked each other with a Edit Link. What else can I do?