Edit_link and New button in form


if I uncheck the “Enable insert button on target application” in properties the Edit Link (Grid application), I hope not show then “New” button in the target application, this work correctly when I run the grid directly, but when run entire project the “new” button is showed in the form app when in the update operation, I don’t kwon i f this is correct, but I want to hide the new button in the edit operation

Some help?



You will want to edit the form’s toolbar and remove Insert from the toolbar.

you can try use in event (ex. OnLoad event in form) this: sc_btn_display(‘new’, ‘off’);

Thanks for your replies,

Lisa if I remove the insert button, will not possible to add a new record

Dan, yes this is a posibility, but I think it is a Bug, always the question is, why we need to solve the ussues wich not work correctly, we need to believe in the tool (SC) and no spend time solving basic problems.

again thanks for response and soory for my bad english

