Editable grid lookup

Hi everyone,

I have a problem creating a lookup in an editable grid.
The grid shows the ID (Int) field and its integer value, I need it to lookup the text value for the ID and display that in a dropdown.

The only option I can see is to look up the value to put into a label, however this is of no use as we need to update the corresponding record. (Use lookup to display the field description.)

Ideally I need a combo box dropdown for the field. So perhaps I am looking at this the wrong way.

to elaborate;

My table contains only two fields, CustomerTypeID and CustomerType

Currently there are only 3 entries for the table; Company, Home user and Trade.

Their IDs are 1,2,3 respectively.

The main CustomerTable contains a field 'CustTypeID (int) and CustomerType (text).
I created an Editable Grid Form so users can edit the customer info accordingly. Most are text fields, so no problems there.

All I want to do with the edit grid is to create a drop-down combo with the text fields in it.
