I have a master application form with application details Editable grid view, in a detail editor Modal not working.
why? is a bug?
see iamge
I have a master application form with application details Editable grid view, in a detail editor Modal not working.
why? is a bug?
see iamge
How can I simulate this problem on my system?
Could you explain me step by step?
Thank you so much!
i have master application and detail (Editable grid view) i whant edit detail with Modal option but this dont’ work.
I simulated in my system and have no problems here.
Can you see the image attach?
Give me more informations:
Your Scriptcase version. (8.0.0xx - 7.x)
Thank you!
Follow the attach.
i use 8.0.16
i have a parmeter in a link see image
I simulated here and had no error.
You can see the pictures attached?
Thank you!
i see image you simulated with no parmeter
Sorry, follow pictures:
Hi again,
What is the number of your record edited?
More than 999?
Just to know.
Thank you!
no is one or two record.
i try with more then one applicantion and don’t work.
i use more then onea block in a master form is this the problem?
Hello again,
This is very strange because I spent the connection parameters like yourself doing in your application. I’ll just ask her to wait for the next update being corrected some parameters in SQL connection forms, if not solve, we can study your application so we can perform a fix (If it is found as a bug).
Thank you!
i try update 8.0.17 but have same problem, i try with two different project.
Hi Thomas,
I’ve Seen the problem,
the same application created without a menu works, but if there is a menu, the same application is not working, you can test and let me know?
Please send me export your project (via email).
See my signature.
I await your email.
Thank you!