Please add some functionality to SC editor. It is such a plain, has no features (almost). Even simple search, indenting columns, replacement, commenting etc. Even NOTEPAD in Windows is better than this. Yes I know we could use external editor but copying - pasting million times a days sucks. Another way perhaps is to allow SC to integrate with some other 3rd party editors i.e PSPAD, NOTEPAD++ etc.
It just drives me nuts when I have to move a code to another editor to do simple text manipulation.

Yeah, that’s true. I do too have some hard time working with the SC editor. I mean, I used to have :cool:

What features would you like to have available in the editor?

Basically most of the features the NOTEPAD++ has. But the minimum is

  • automatic commenting(in/out)
  • code indentation
  • find/replace (bloc OR all)
  • saving code to the file
  • opening code from the file
  • highlighting lines or blocks
  • converting lower case to uppercase and vice versa
  • and most of all allowing to add code snippets to the panel on the right

This is not the first post requesting changes in the editor…

I’m not sure if you are aware of ScriptCase Tools… it’s an open-source browser extension I created with the purpose of improving ScriptCase IDE and currently it’s available only for Chrome but I’m converting it to also work with Firefox (it requires only some minor changes). I wrote a post about why and how I created this extension in my blog:

But the thing is: I’m about to release a new version of ScriptCase Tools (v0.3.0) and in this version there is a new option to switch the ScriptCase editor to a new and more complete editor based on Sublime Text. It has some of the features you listed and I’ll probably add some more (like the code snippets you mentioned). I recorded this video showing some of its features:

It’s in test phase right now and the experience of using this new editor has been great so far. It should be released within the next few days and I think that maybe you could give it a try :wink:

edit (2018-02-23): the extension was released back in 2016.
It’s available for Chrome on Chrome Webstore:

The installation for Firefox is manual:

I watched your video. You did awesome job! I really love it. I also admire you for being so brave and create FIRST ADD-ON for SC. You should get a medal for this from NetMake. The sad thing is that your features should be implemented by default in SC. I will be more than happy to share your work. Is your Add-On paid OR free ?

I would say that ability to make a code snippets library and autocomplete and the main (or mostly wanted features). I can really only congratulate you for what you’ve build! BRAVO!

You BLOG is great as well although I would not mix English and Portugese posts in one list.
FIREFOX version is a must !


Hi aka!

Thank you!!
And I, too, believe these features should be native in ScriptCase. But I don’t know if they plain to implement them and I didn’t want to wait anymore :smiley:

The add-on is free and open-source:

Instructions for installing the extension can be found at
(Firefox) https://github.com/AndersonMamede/sc…-tools#firefox
(Chrome) https://github.com/AndersonMamede/sc…#google-chrome

I’ve translated my blog to English, but there is just one post in Portuguese because it wouldn’t be useful in English - its about Brazilian postal code. But future posts will be in English.

If you have any problems using the add-on, let me know.

Thank you for your great work and contribution. I will test the Firefox version and if I like it I would definitely send messages to NetMake to implement it in future releases. If they would be more open with their product for 3rd party plugins it would give SC completely new image and bust but for now it is not very likely. I’m just expecting one day some other company to take over … (unless they change their philosophy).

You did however great job - congratulations!

Yeah, it’ll be great if they open SC to the user community.
And a marketplace (like Wordpress marketplace) to distribute things like plugins, layouts and libraries would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you aka! :slight_smile:

Yes I agree. Unfortunaely some people in NET MAKE already think I’m crazy because I have to many requests and I’m asking to much. Especially if somebody is mad because of bugs unfixed for years - he/she must be out of mind.

Great extension man… really love it. Thank you.

Mamede - you are like a little candle at the end of a very very dark tunnel :wink:
I really encourage NETMAKE to buy your plugin and implement it into feature SC vesrions. If they would open the product to 3rd party developers perhaps it would grow in some extensions. I really cannot understand why the company does not want to go in THIS DIRECTION. i HOPE THIS WILL FINALLY CHANGE AND WE CAN SEE A LITTLE BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR sc. sO FAR IT DEASN’T LOOK GOD AT ALL.

Thank you guys!

Because this extension is open-source, NetMake can just modify and use it for free. The only concern would be about the license, because right now this extension is licensed under MIT license and I don’t know what this implies to a paid software like ScriptCase. Anyway, I’d be happy to know that I contributed to ScriptCase.

Mamede - do you have any update for Firefox available ? The lest version I downloaded have had some issues and I had to disable it.

Can you point me out what was the problem? And what Operating System, SCTools and Firefox version are/were you using?
So I can reproduce the problem and fix it.
(if you prefer, you can send me these information via PM)

The current version is 1.3.5:
(it should be automatically updated)

Thank you

I disabled it about 2 months ago so don’t remember exactly. I will install your latest version and if no reports here that means it works fine. Thank you for support - I wish NetMake support was like this (they should hire you - haha!)

For Christmas, i want SC add some functionality with Tables javascript or Jquery. I think form Master details must works in memory for save just one time with Only a button.
Like this old post http://www.scriptcase.net/forum/forum/applications/blank-aa/7282-jqgrid-in-a-blank-app-on-sc

@Mamede your extension is great!
Thanks a lot!