Element.style Suppression (solved)

i have a problem that i can’t solve.
In my forms, it systematically adds element.style vertical-align: top to all my fields.
All change i do on my fields doesn’t work
In theme, i don’t fine where i can change

Any ideas

In Events >> onScriptInit add some CSS “?><style>....</style><?php” which changes the vertical-align value for that element and include “!important” to override the element.style declaration in the HTML. That might do it.

I already tested this code. But the problem is element.style appears for all fields.

element.style {vertical-align: middle !important;} <?php` Thanks Guy

OK. I don’t think you want to use “element.style” as your selector. You should find the exact name for that element (field object) in your html for that page. For example, I have a form with a field called “created” and it shows a date in read-only format. I want that to be aligned at the bottom of that cell. The selector has a class called, “.css_created_line” which is created by SC. I use that to declare “vertical-align:bottom !important;” and it overrides the element.style created by the application.

Another solution is to use the Display Settings in the field and set Vertical Alignment for the field where you want it. This will removed the element.style declaration from the CSS and put your value in the same selector as above (in my case, .css_created_line.)

Like you, I couldn’t find anywhere to edit this in the Theme CSS. I tried several ways in the Forms folder but none seemed to work.

Good luck with the above possible solutions.

thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

my code on “onapplicationint”

.css_id_partenaire_line {vertical-align: middle !important;} <?php Thanks Guy

Fantastic! Glad I was able to help.