Email Does not conform to RFC 2822, 3.6.2. error while adding user

Has anyone seen this error. It happens on the server when trying to add a user. The user is added, but get an error and then I never receive the email saying the user has registered. Doesn’t happen on local development machine.



Re: Email Does not conform to RFC 2822, 3.6.2. error while adding user

Update in case anyone else is having this problem. I worked with Scriptcase support for some time on this and it was determined that the problem was with my hosting company not providing support for PHP 5.3. I switched hosting companies and the errors went away. Things now work as expected.

I was using Everything worked fine with the exception of adding users and retrieving passwords. I switched to and all the problems went away. It was the exact same app - no changes other than the new admin email address and smtp settings to reflect new host.

Hope this helps someone else.
