Email From a list

I want to be able to send a canned email to user/users listed in my user table based on a selection from an editable gride via check box.

My goal is that a user can click on a button from any of my application that would take them to a form/editable grid has a list of users that can be check marked from there they hit a send/submit button and a canned email is sent to those selected users. I am very new to scriptcase and have really no idea on how I can make this work. Any thoughts example code that anyone can help me with? This is very important feature that my boss wants added into our final application.

Re: Email From a list

Have a look at the following:

Then look at the SC online example for checkbox usage to gather the list of names.


Re: Email From a list

Thanks! I got it work and send emails to the people i select. I do get an error message shortly after the email sends.

The error says this:


Uncaught Error of type [Swift_ConnectionException] with message [There was a problem reading line 1 of an SMTP response. The response so far was:
[]. It appears the connection has died without saying goodbye to us! Too many emails in one go perhaps? (fsockopen: #0) ]
@0 Email_apl::controle() in C:Program FilesNetMakev5wwwrootscriptcaseappApprovalEmailEmail.php on line 2083
@1 Email_apl::Submit() in C:Program FilesNetMakev5wwwrootscriptcaseappApprovalEmailEmail.php on line 1181
@2 Swift::send() in C:Program FilesNetMakev5wwwrootscriptcaseappApprovalEmailEmail.php on line 1418

Any thoughts?

Here is the code I am useing:

$tot = count([total_chked]);
$contacts = "";

$contacts .= [total_chked][$x];

if($x == ($tot-1)){
$contacts .= "";
$contacts .= "; ";
 * Send a simple email

// Email parameters
$mail_smtp_server = '';    // SMTP server name or IP address
$mail_smtp_user  = '';          // SMTP user name
$mail_smtp_pass  = '';        // SMTP password
$mail_from    = '';     // From email
$mail_to     = $contacts;    // To email
$mail_subject   = 'Request Waiting For Approval';      // Message subject
$mail_message   = 'You have new requests in your que that need to be approved. Please log into the HSS Approval database by clicking <a href="">Here</a>.'; // Message body
$mail_format   = 'H';            // Message format: (T)ext or (H)tml

// Send email
 echo "<table width='300px' border='1' bordercolor='#000000' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<td colspan='2'><strong> ($tot) An email was sent to: <strong></td>
<td><font color='#003366'><strong> $contacts </strong></font> </td>

Re: Email From a list

How many are you sending? If you send 1 or 5, does it do the same thing?


Just a note-
You can find this in the ScriptCase Samples page: