Email multiple recipients

I have a control form where users can sign in for a course. i wan’t the user and his teacher to receive a confimation by mail. so i use this code

$email_x = “$email_st; $mail_beg”;


  • Send a simple email

// Email parameters
$mail_smtp_server = [smtp_server_brixx]; // SMTP server name or IP address
$mail_smtp_user = [smtp_user_brixx]; // SMTP user name
$mail_smtp_pass = [smtp_pass_brixx]; // SMTP password
$mail_from = [smtp_from_brixx]; // From email
$mail_to = $email_x; // To email // Type copies: BCC (Hiden copies) or CCC (Regular copies)
$mail_message = $bericht;
$mail_subject = $titel; // Message body
$mail_format = ‘H’; // Message format: (T)ext or (H)tml

// Send email
‘’,’’, ‘25’);

execpt it won’t work. when i only use the user mailadres ($email_st) it works fine, but when i add another user to it like $email_x = “$email_st; $mail_beg”; nothing works.
i also tried to use cc but can’t get it working. both varoables work fine and send mail seperatly but not at once.

any suggestions?

I have the same question!