Empty Required Field Not Displaying Error

I created a control application and added 7 fields each of which I enabled the required field option. I created a button which runs a mysql query.

When I press the button to submit the page and I’ve left a required field blank, it does not display an error message stating a field entry is required. I expected SC to produce the error. Do I have to manually check each field for data?

no usually you don’t have to check each field and SC does exactly what you expect,
but by creating your own button instead of using the OK button you circumvent the event structure (onValidate in particular) of SC.
Consequently no data validation and no error message.


Yup that was it! So I then copied my PHP code form the button to onvalidatesuccess and it partially works… My table gets displayed on top of the input block. Now I guess I have to figure out how to open a new page to show my query results. Any idea how to do this?

redirect to a grid and pass your fields along to be used in the sql statement.
