I working on a report for a school result management system , one of the requirements is to have to hide marks and average when the student is not doing the subject. i am able to hide the mark and postion using the following code
if ({OT} == “0”) {
{Office_Technology} = " ";
if ({OT} == “0”) {
{Rank_OT} = " ";
where “0” denotes that the student is not doing the subject however i have added fields to generate average but it does not seem to hide the field , is there any way i use a marco in script case report to hide the fields
the averge is query
)),0) AS AVGOT FROM tblexam_master_sub
where Year
= ‘{Year}’ and Class
=’{Class}’ and Cal_Year = ‘{Cal_Year}’ and Term
=’{Term}’ and OT