Enforce Password Change

I have a client that would like the ability to select a user, click on a box that says “Must change password at next logon” so that when the user goes to log in the next time, it is mandatory for them to change their password. Has anyone done this before or could anyone point me in the right direction. I’m using the default security module.

Thanks for any help you guys can give to me on this.

thats cool, would also like to know how to do this…

First of all change the user table and add a field ‘changepsw’ char 1. Set this value to true (T) if it needs to be changed. In the onvalidate you check for the validity of user data. In the onvalidateok, you check for the changefield and sc_redir to an application where the user needs to change his password. After that you can reset the changepsw data back to ‘F’ (false) and sc_redir to your main application.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Albert. After looking at those events and the code that is already there, this requires more custom coding than I know or have time to learn right now. Interested in making a few bucks?

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