Erro in exporting PDF pivot report & chart

Hi All,
I face this issue many times , And I can`t find any solution for it.
Please can anybody help me.
Look at this images:

This is the error result:

You will to do some fault finding here. There are a number posts related to this problem.
I am assuming that you are running on a Linux webserver!
See the link Linux wkhtmltopdf-amd64
This should be good starting poit

Many thanks for your response.
But I`m working on windows.

What is the development environment and running environment?
Does the problem happen in dev as well as deployed?
Do you have your own web server installation?

Thank alot for your interests.
I work on SC9.
the problem happen in dev and in production.
I raised my site on hostigator

Have you tried installing XAMPP on your pc and then running on local machine. I seems like there is some security access problems on hosting site. Try and make the dev machine your local machine.