look with previous versions, had not had any problems, but to make the change to php to version 5.4.20 no longer allows me to access all of the extranet to Scriptcase C and I need to have this access for developing applications deputy sending the message:
Warning: file_get_contents(http://accys.dyndns.info:98/scriptcase/test.php):
failed to open stream: No se puede establecer una conexi�n ya que el equipo
de destino deneg� expresamente dicha conexi�n. in C:\Program
Files\NetMake\v71\wwwroot\scriptcase\index.php on line 7
This Scriptcase is encrypted for a different version of php.
Your PHP version is 5.4.20, please check the tutorial to learn how to update
your php.
Or download the version of Scriptcase appropriate for your environment.