Error access to database:: Table 'test_app.sec_logged' doesn't exist


When I added “Security module” to my Apps i have an error like in thread subject. This is from “Securty -> Exit” Menu (assigned redirecton to application apl_Login).
I checked, haven’t table “sec_logged” in my database.

Error source in polish:

Błąd podczas dostępu do bazy danych:: Table ‘likwidacja.sec_logged’ doesn’t exist
APL: Menu_horyzontalne
Line: 687
Undefined variable: sc_tem_trans_banco

One to one translation:

Error during accesing to database:: ‘likwidacja.sec_logged’ doesn’t exist
APL: Menu
Line: 687
Undefined variable: sc_tem_trans_banco

Screenshot with error in attachment… (for logged users)

Thanks for help.


Appearantly you have entered something on the question regarding logging. You can follow the wizzard another time to remove this logging feature or apply logging in tools -> logging. The latest will add the table to your database.

Hi Albert,

Thanks for answer. I created Module log again - without success. I haven’t table in DB. Could you please write step by step how to solve this issue?
Thanks a lot!


I don’t found function sc_logged_out() in my SC. Where it is ?

On the configuration page when creating a security module there’s an option for log. Did you leave that empty? I think you didn’t. But if you go to modules -> log you can follow the wizzard which will create the log table for you. then your error will go away.

I have to withdraw my latest post, I have tested it and there is a bug in the module. When exit a module it will generate this error even though you haven’t selected this. It simply is a bug. TO get rid of it you can create the table or discard the code where it’s refering to.


Yep. I think that SQL code for table sec_logged shouldbe thesamelike for sc_log.
Thanks for checking - I already thought that I do not know where it is. :slight_smile:


I will verify the issue with our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann