ERROR in creating forms

Must be something wrong in the generating of forms !

i get the message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v7\wwwroot\scriptcase\app\decramain\form_slides\form_slides_apl.php on line 3702

i do a normal query from the DB without conditions.
the line in the code is:
3702 if ($this->nmgp_opcao == “igual” && isset($this->NM_btn_navega) && ‘S’ == $this->NM_btn_navega && !empty())
if (in_array(strtolower($this->Ini->nm_tpbanco), $this->Ini->nm_bases_access))
$Key_Where = " ";
$Key_Where = " “;
$Where_Start = (empty($sc_where)) ? " where " . $Key_Where : $sc_where . " and (” . $Key_Where . “)”;
$nmgp_select = "SELECT count(*) from " . $this->Ini->nm_tabela . $Where_Start;
$_SESSION[‘scriptcase’][‘sc_sql_ult_comando’] = $nmgp_select;
$rt = $this->Db->Execute($nmgp_select) ;
if ($rt === false && !$rt->EOF && $GLOBALS[“NM_ERRO_IBASE”] != 1)
$this->Erro->mensagem (FILE, LINE, “banco”, $this->Ini->Nm_lang[‘lang_errm_dber’], $this->Db->ErrorMsg());
exit ;
$_SESSION[‘sc_session’][$this->Ini->sc_page][‘form_slides’][‘reg_start’] = $rt->fields[0];
Anyone with the same problem ?
I?m using: 7.01.0002

Hi Gerd,

The SQL-Output of Debug Mode = Yes is?

[QUOTE=RHS;16247]Hi Gerd,

The SQL-Output of Debug Mode = Yes is?[/QUOTE]

Reinhard, i tried with debug-mode on/off every other error settings on/off, no chance to get it working