Error in exporting PDF

gud day! im having error in exporting the grid to pdf. seems like the texts are tranfered into squares. this is the generated pdf take a look…



Is this issue happening to every grid application, or just to this particular grid?

Bernhard Bernsmann


this happens on every grid. what’s the cause of this?

They are 4 month that I’ve rised this problem to SC support. On server export PDF and XLS have big problems.
PDF do not works at all and XLS needs on the other hand php ZIP extension installed. As explained more times ZIP extension is not supported on standard hosting server.
If you want it you have to buy a more expensive service and I think that’s not worth for only an exporting XLS files.
Please hurry up becouse the problem is very annoying.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


Could you answer a few questions regarding the issue?

1 - Is the problem happening on your development or production environment?

2 - What kind of charset are you using on your application? What kind of collation on your database?

3 - What client_encoding have you set on SC’s connection properties?

4 - What charset are you using on your browser (under the browser configurations)?

5 - Also for tests purposes, could you alter JS execution time from 250 to 400?

Bernhard Bernsmann

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