Error inserting - Record already exists

I keep getting this error on the production environment but not in the development. I deleted the folder with the application and re-deployed it and still happens. I also made sure I had updated Scriptcase before I did all of this. If it works on the the development it should work identical on the production environment. Any help with this??

It seems that you have a problem with your database. have you looked at this side ?

The development environment uses the same database and has no issues saving records. Its only the production.

Got a screenshot of the error?

Here is the screenshot

Hmm I was suspecting a Primary key violation but that isn’t the wording it throws at you.

Have you echoed out the SQL using the debug toggle?

are you check the line 13660 ?

Line 13660 :
$this->Erro->mensagem (FILE, LINE, “critica”, $this->Ini->Nm_lang[‘lang_errm_pkey’]);