[QUOTE=alvagar;20265]Hi, i am trying to install newly SC en my pc, i got next error:
O serial informado consta como registrada em outro servidor. Em caso de reinstala??o por troca de m?quina, formata??o ou altera??o de hardware, acesse http://www.scriptcase.com.br/meuscriptcase/ e solicite a reinstala??o da licen?a. Para outras quest?es, entre em contato atrav?s do email licenca@scriptcase.com.br.
What need i do? i do not undesrstand portugaise.!![/QUOTE]
In general, you licencekey is already in use. If you are installing on another pc you need to go to the link above and request for a new install. (you can do that from your registration within the SC website you made while registering the first time) In case of problems you need to contact sales.