Error installin upgrade a new version

Hi, i have SC Versi?n 7.01.0009 and now i am upgrading to ScriptCase v7.1.010.
But i got an error message:

The update ScriptCase not completed successfully.

Critical files can not be downloaded.
Please try again. If the problem persists contact Technical Support.

Click here to view the update log ScriptCase.


Please make a manual update instead of an automatic update.

Make sure to backup your SC before starting the procedure:

Bernhard Bernsmann

Hi, i am trying to install newly SC en my pc, i got next error:
O serial informado consta como registrada em outro servidor. Em caso de reinstala??o por troca de m?quina, formata??o ou altera??o de hardware, acesse e solicite a reinstala??o da licen?a. Para outras quest?es, entre em contato atrav?s do email

What need i do? i do not undesrstand portugaise.!!

[QUOTE=alvagar;20265]Hi, i am trying to install newly SC en my pc, i got next error:
O serial informado consta como registrada em outro servidor. Em caso de reinstala??o por troca de m?quina, formata??o ou altera??o de hardware, acesse e solicite a reinstala??o da licen?a. Para outras quest?es, entre em contato atrav?s do email

What need i do? i do not undesrstand portugaise.!![/QUOTE]

In general, you licencekey is already in use. If you are installing on another pc you need to go to the link above and request for a new install. (you can do that from your registration within the SC website you made while registering the first time) In case of problems you need to contact sales.

I am reinstalling SC again because It not allow me updates. I think that my php is 5.2 and i have problems with last updates.