Error on Creating New Field using Procedures

I have created a Stored Procedures in MSSQL. I managed to use the Procedure Application in SC to generate the grid that I desired. However, when I tried to add another field, so that I can filter using this field, I received an error as below:

Fatal error: Class ‘nmFieldGridProc’ not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\NetMake\v7\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\page
mPageFld.class.php on line 6855

Is this a bug ?

Seems like if the grid is linked to SP, it does not allow new field to be created?

Appreciate help!

The grid is selecting all fields, have you added the new field there? It needs to be done manually. In a form you can use synchronise fields. Then you have to put the field on the desired location on the screen. Hope this helps.