Error on ver. 8.01.37

[B]Produciont environment
On Login app:

Warning[/B][SIZE=18px]: Unexpected character in input: ‘’ (ASCII=92) state=1 in[/SIZE]C:\AppServ\www\sigesdes\login\app_Login_apl.php[SIZE=18px]on line[/SIZE]5358

Parse error[SIZE=18px]: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in[/SIZE]C:\AppServ\www\sigesdes\login\app_Login_apl.php[SIZE=18px]on line[/SIZE][B]5358

The line is:[/B]

$adldap = new adLDAP\adLDAP($config);

[B]But on development environment run ok.

Please help![/B]

I change this line of code:

[B]$adldap = new adLDAP\adLDAP($config);

By this:

$adldap = new adLDAP.adLDAP($config);

And then all it’s ok ! but the next error is this:[/B]

[SIZE=14px]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\AppServ\www\sigesdes_lib\prod hird\adLdap\Adldap.php on line 3[/SIZE]

part of the beginning of this code is


namespace Adldap;

use Adldap\Exceptions\AdldapException;
use Adldap\Interfaces\ConnectionInterface;
use Adldap\Classes\AdldapSearch;
use Adldap\Classes\AdldapUtils;
use Adldap\Classes\AdldapFolders;
use Adldap\Classes\AdldapExchange;
use Adldap\Classes\AdldapComputers; …

comment :
Apache server on development environment is ApacheScriptcase8 ver. 2.4.3
but on production environment is Apace 2.2.8

Help me please!


We’re checking about this problem.


We updated and made changes in the LDAP library. Therefore, you need to update your production environment.
Common Libs -

I copy these folders in C:\Program Files\NetMake\v8\wwwroot\ScriptCase and returned to build the project but still have the same problem.

where should I copy the folders ??

The problem Persists yet !!

Warning: Unexpected character in input: ‘’ (ASCII=92) state=1 in C:\AppServ\www\sigesdes\login\app_Login_apl.php on line 5358

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in C:\AppServ\www\sigesdes\login\app_Login_apl.php on line [B]5358

Line : [/B]$adldap = new adLDAP\adLDAP($config);

I need your help!


What is your PHP version? We are trying to simulate this problem locally.
Send an e-mail to informing this thread and the period that you are available for a remote access.
So, we can make a better analysis about this problem.

I had the version 5 but install version 5.5 with wamp

But the error now is this:

(​The error is with LDAP) [ATTACH=CONFIG]n67507[/ATTACH]

[SIZE=20px]how can i do a downgrade to version 8.1.035 ?
because the version 8.1.037 has this problem…

error ldap.png

[B][SIZE=24px]With the new library of LDAP …
what version of php is necessary?

Help !!![/SIZE][/B]