unserialize(): Error at offset 177 of 4871 bytes | Script: /var/www/sc8/devel/lib/php/sc_unserialize.php linha: 20
No errors in code generation, just when i try to run.
The same project is working well in SC7.
unserialize(): Error at offset 177 of 4871 bytes | Script: /var/www/sc8/devel/lib/php/sc_unserialize.php linha: 20
No errors in code generation, just when i try to run.
The same project is working well in SC7.
Please contact our support team as a trial user.
I will also analyze the issue with our bugs team.
What kind of application is causing this issue? Forms? Grids? Is it more than one app?
Bernhard Bernsmann
Be aware that if you are running on a windows machine (thus you are using a apache7 or apache71 service) that you do not have the rights to send stuff to the outside world. You would need to elevate the user for that or create a seperate
user with a few more rights for your service.
Thank you rr
i’m running on a linux machine ( ubuntu ) with apache2 and php 5.4
For Bernhard
this error is not systematic but often appears when I try to open an application, either grid or form, or try to rename it.
I tried to change the permissions of SC8 bringing everything to 777 but does not seem to solve the problem.
succeeded in solving your problem with updates Scriptcase 8 or by contacting support?
Thank you!
That’s my answer to ticket [#MGA-177-26966]
After some investigation i?ve run a small utility to check the database and identified an apl with corrupted data.
How? Just executing unserialize() for every field of the table ?sc_tbapl?
Deleted and re-created and seems all is ok now. So NOT an apache problem but probably a problem during migration from SC7 to SC8.
Do you think I have to rate myself for the solution?
Ticket closed!!!
Other seems to have the same problem.