I have searched this forum without success but I’m sure this question has been asked and answered before.
I need to check for errors after executing a sc_exec_sql command. So these could be UPDATE or INSERT or DELETE commands.
Any direction you might be able to give is appreciated.
Is there no way to handle these errors in an orderly way?
Are you checking the result? (see manual)…
Ex. 1:
if (sc_after_delete) {
sc_exec_sql(“delete from mytable where key = {key_ant}”);
Hello rr, Thanks for the reply.
Well duh, It amazes me how dumb I can be at times.
So I would assume there is also a ‘sc_after_update’ and ‘sc_after_insert’? I do not find them when I search in the manual.
This seems strange to me too. How can you test the condition before you run the delete? Oh well I will play with it some.
Thanks for pointing out to me what was right in front of my face.