Error uploading file

I’m using scriptcase 8.00.0028 and oracle as db.
I’m saving a file in a form, putting it in a blob field. I see that often the file is not inserted in the blob, especially during the insert… no error is generated in the log… then I do again the file upload and it works.
I can replicate this error in all the form I create and I don’t understand why this happens…
Can you help me? it’s a tedious bug…
Thank you

what is the error? can you enable the debug and tell us what are you getting?

This happens because the uploaded file FIRST gets uploaded to a temporary directory. Then when you save your record will the file contents be moved into the record and will the temporary file be removed. This action can take a little time since the file gets converted to some text format.

[QUOTE=insecta;33883]I’m using scriptcase 8.00.0028 and oracle as db.
I’m saving a file in a form, putting it in a blob field. I see that often the file is not inserted in the blob, especially during the insert… no error is generated in the log… then I do again the file upload and it works.
I can replicate this error in all the form I create and I don’t understand why this happens…
Can you help me? it’s a tedious bug…
Thank you[/QUOTE]

This information help you to understand and fix your problem?

Wait your response.

Thank you!