Error when generator needs to use transparent.png

Error in browser console<?php%20echo%20/scriptcase/app/adm/_lib/img;%20?>/transparent.png

Generated code line
$str_retorno .= " <td style=“height:1px; padding: 0px;” bgcolor="". $bg_color .""><img src=’<?php echo $path_imag_cab; ?>/transparent.png’ border=“0” style=“height:1px;”></td>

Output to browser
<td style=“height:1px; padding: 0px;” bgcolor="#305908"><img src=’<?php echo /scriptcase/app/adm/_lib/img; ?>/transparent.png’ border=“0” style=“height:1px;”></td>

Possible fix
$str_retorno .= " <td style=“height:1px; padding: 0px;” bgcolor="". $bg_color .""><img src=’". $path_imag_cab."/transparent.png’ border=“0” style=“height:1px;”></td>


What kind of application are you using? Is it a menu app?

Could you elaborate on how the issue happens? E.j. “happens when I add an application to my menu”.

Bernhard Bernsmann

More details…


The problem happens only when I use my own theme that was copied from the Scriptcase green one. Using the blue sky theme, the problem does not occur. There is no transparent.png in the theme that the user can edit. It might be one of the files used when the image background is left empty. Changing the buttons in the theme does not fix the problem.


  • Create a new project.
  • Add a menu application. Do not add any menu items.
  • Run app.
  • Examine browser console to display error.
  • [/LIST]

    I have an export of the project and a zip of the generated code. The forum says it is too big to upload them here, let me know how to get them to you.

    • Jim
  • Hello,

    Issue reported to our bugs team.

    Bernhard Bernsmann