Error with Codebar reader.

Hi, before my form worked fine with a Codebar reader.
Now, i generate the same form with last version SC, and my users have this problem:
When they use the Codebar reader, it not show the record. (The field is type autocomplete).
But if i copy and paste the product code, it show the record.



Hi, any idea how fix it?

Barcode readers does a keyboard emulation. It writes barcode and tab/enter/nothing (this can be configured on device) when finished
I use autocomplete only as a search feature, and not too much (I’m, building my own autocomplete), then I’m not totally sure about this but…Autocomplete fields, requires you to click on the item from the dropdown to get a value (reading you, before worked different, not sure). If you don’t click, there is no item choosed.

Things to take into consideration:

  • Autocomplete field don't gets a value until an item is clicked on dropdown. If you choose a value, and then delete it, is not changed to empty.
  • If you don't choose a value, onChange AjaxEvent is not fired.
Changing behaviour:
  • onChange should fire anyway. This way you can check if a non-existing value was selected, to ask, for example, to create a new product/customer and so on...
  • If search return only 1 record, should be selected when focus is lost (this could be parameterizable with an option. Select if 1 on search, or empty the field).
Again, not sure if it worked in the past for you. AFAIR always worked this way.

Thanks you Giu for your reply, is very clear you explain me.
My end users tell me before when they worked with barcode reader, my app showing only 1 record for selection, and They could select it before the cursor moves to another field.

Anyway I will try to find another solution.

Then is because barcode reader was configured without any suffix, and now, they have a barcode reader with a tab or enter suffix, for his reason field loose focus and dropdown is not showed

Hello, my Name is Oscar. I am working makin a POS with scriptcase and I have some troubles trying to read barcodes, I read what you wrote above Giu and you said that it could be possible to change an option to auto select the only option when there are no more options available from the autocomplete results. Could you please explain me how could I do that? I dont know where to specify that option. Thanks