Error with fields type date in App form

With SC7 my app type form worked fine, In SC8 the same app has error with fields type date.
My format is dd/mm/yyyy.

Attach image with the app.


My information of type date is changed every time i open this app.

How can i fix this issue?

HI, Guys Any Idea, I Need fix this error, This App worked fine with SC7.
I have test much time with this field but the format for SC always is YYYY/MM/DD, in my country is DD/MM/YYYY
If I create a new app the new format for this field looks good. But i dont want do it again. :frowning:

My guess is, it is a custom field and not assigned to a db-field?
I can faintly remember the same problem a few years back and I thought it has been sorted out. (I must have been dreaming).

The solution was to clear the Internal Format field in the Field Settings (Values Format).

Give it a try, may be it helps.



Can you send to me your sc7 application?

Just to peform a convert test.

Send for my email (in my signature)

Thank you!

[QUOTE=Thomas Soares;29486]Hello,

Can you send to me your sc7 application?

Just to peform a convert test.

Send for my email (in my signature)

Thank you![/QUOTE]

Same problem occurs for me, iv’e found that upload fields in the same form as date fields in update mode, are what cause my problem every time.

The problem is only noticeable when updating a record, my solution for now was create an upload form that all my apps can use!

Easy to replicate date field problem.

  • new form connected to table with dates

  • add upload field to form

  • access record from database on that form

  • dates will show in wrong format completely messed up.

  • user will be unable to update record as the date has changed or record will update but will have invalid date.