Error with macro in event onApplicationInit

hi, i have a error in SC in event onApplicationInit:

if sql return data, SC do not show error; but when the sql do not return data, SC show an error:

Undefined property: form_mov_ent_ini::$Ini
Trying to get property of non-object
Undefined property: form_mov_ent_ini::$Ini
Trying to get property of non-object

In event onApplicationInit i have this script:

$sql = "SELECT 1 FROM neg_ngcio where neg_cdgo = 2 ";
sc_lookup(data, $sql );

if ({data} === false)
sc_redir(“control_message.php”, v_message=“Error de acceso a la base de datos”);
elseif (empty({data}))
sc_redir(“control_message.php”, v_message=“No tiene permiso para ingresar a este formulario”);
[suc_cdgo_ent] = {data[0][0]};

In the stage of onapplicationinit there is no database connection available yet, it’s the first thing called when the application gets loaded. I think you need to move this to the onscriptinit event.

THanks you Albert, it works fine.