Error with Stored procedure SC 9 Trim the name to my procedure.

hi, i am getting an error with SC 9, before it worked.

I have a stored procedure in my DB called: sp_set_myproc
When i run my app SC show this:
PROCEDURE mydb.sp_set_ does not exist
CALL sp_set_(1, ‘S’, ‘N’, @_sql_vars)

The Line for this code is into a internal library.

my code line is:
sc_exec_sql(“CALL sp_set_myproc([var_global], ‘S’, ‘N’, @_sql_vars)”);

I can see SC Trim the procedure name to: sp_set_
I tried change the name for the procedure and SC Trim the name again.

[ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: error_procedure.png Views: 1 Size: 34.5 KB ID: 84714”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“84714”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH] .This is the message in mode debug.


The problem is when I call the stored procedure that is inside an internal library. (This was working fine, But Now not).
Any Idea?

After a few hours of looking for the error, I could tell that this was generated by the name of a function of the internal library. Specifically, it was called initvars (). I do not understand why this happens, if previously the library worked well.

I had to change the name of the methods.