Errormessage starting Button Themes

After UpDate to 9.9.010 (6), i receive allways the same errormessage!!
Undefined array key “css_btn_list_new” | Script: D:\Programme\NetMake\v9-php81\wwwroot\scriptcase\devel\class\page\nmPageButtons.class.php linha: 996

the same, with the UpDate 9.9.010 (8)

Dear @salvatore,

In what scenarios is this error returned to you? Could you describe it in more detail, please?

We are waiting for more details to proceed.

Best Regards!

  1. I start scriptcase
  2. I log in
  3. I open any project
  4. I go to “Layout” in the menu
  5. I select “Button themes” and the error message appears

All on a freshly installed system

Dear @salvatore,

Thanks for your feedback!

The problem has already been reported to the development team, and as soon as it is fixed, I will be reporting back to you here.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you once again for your cooperation.

Best Regards!