Errors running my first App

Runtime ERROR

Error while accessing the database:
Table ‘edbq.ddiseases’ doesn’t exist

View SQL

why is ViewSQL link not working ?
I cannot even figure out what error is this

When sunchronizing DICTIONARY with an App I also get this error:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() | Script: D:Program FilesNetMakev5wwwrootscriptcasedevelclasspage
mPageDataDic.class.php linha: 1128


BTW: linha: 1128: is this portugeese ? I tought I bought a program in English

Re: Errors running my first App

Is your table spelled right? Seems you have 2 “d”'s in there, is that correct?

Seems SC is written in Brazil (clearly noted on their website on multiple pages) so it is programmed with brazilian variables, but PHP commands.


Re: Errors running my first App

you are right (I think this is Portugeese) but doing so was a VERY BAD IDEA, and I only hope they understand that the main development language MUST BE ENGLISH is NetMake should succeed.