Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

The exit and cancel buttons on the create/edit event forms show in the development server when I run the scripts but when I deploy them to my server, those 2 buttons never show up.

Any ideas?


Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

I added this code as a work-around in the header as a “value” type:

<input type="button" id="sc_b_sai_t" onClick="document.F6.action='ws_calendar_fim.php'; document.F6.submit(); return false;; return false" class="scButton_default" value="Cancel" title="Exit application" style="vertical-align: middle">

Change this to change what the button says:


The “” are required because scriptcase adds the value to the header through the php echo “” function.

This really shouldn’t have been this hard though. I’ve tried creating buttons in scriptcase and adding them to the toolbar with varied an minimal success on both the dev and live servers.

This solutions works completely.


Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

Maybe something went wrong generating the common libraries and css to the production environment? Try generating them again.

Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

I’ve generated and uploaded them 5 times! odd that it works in dev but not live.

Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

dev and prod are different platforms?

Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

different servers but the exact same setup

Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing


The button Exit in app only appear when you open the form to add any event in the calendar.


Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

duh, that’s what I’m saying…


Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

duh, that’s what I’m saying…


Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

Create a menu app, call the calendar and other apps using the menu items, thats the way you’re goin back to another app.

Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing

Unable to logout from application in scriptcase v5. What to do? coz logout from session is by default feature of script case

Re: Exit and Cancel buttons not showing


Have you created a security module on your project? Did you add an exit button with its Target set to “Exit”?

Bernhard Bernsmann