Exit Button missing in deployed app

There is a strange behaviour with the exit button in an app. In der development view the button is there and can be used. In der deployed view the button has disappeared. This is not for every app the same. Even the same app has no consitent behaviour.

Can somebody explain what I have to set in order to get a consistent exit button?


I had this issue several years ago with the built in SC exit button; In the end I ended up creating my own exit / back buttons using PHP buttons with a call to sc_redir().

This way the behaviour is always consistent.


Thank you mike for the suggestion. It leaves some more questions on how to place a custom button. Some more information would be very welcome.
Regards Sawjer

Hi Sawjer,

Here’s what I do…

Go to the grid, form or control application and select “Buttons” and click “Add New”.

Give the button a name; I use btn_exit and set the type as PHP.

In the button PHP code add the following line:

// Redirect to calling grid.

Once saved you can then go to “Toolbar” and add your new, custom button to the form or grid toolbar and place it where ever you like.

Hope this helps.



Thank you Mike.

There is one more question:
In my understanding sc_redir is giving control of the app redirected to, but in the same page context. In case of menu, does this create a new menu or does it return back to the menu that originaly called the app?

Hi Sawjer,

I’m not sure I entirely understand the question, but sc_redir() does have a target parameter as follows:

sc_redir(Application, Parameter01; Parameter02; Target, Error, height_modal, width_modal);

By default the target is _self, but can be _parent, _blank or modal.

If this does not meet your requirements I guess that maybe you could use a JavaScript button instead??

I use sc_redir(‘name_of_app_to_exit_to’, params, ‘_self’); and this meet my needs.

Hope this helps.

