Exit button not shown


I just started on a application and created a menu application with a form application and a grid/search application.
When i run the application the Exit button will not show anywhere in the grid/search application.
In the normal toolbar the button will not show, and the toolbar of the search block looks behind the header of the menu header.

I just want a way to close the grid with a button.

Want can i do?

Re: Exit button not shown

Under “toolbar” you can customize the appearance of buttons, including the exit button. If you already display the exit button, but it won’t show up, because it disapppeared behind other parts of the application then please attach an image of your application.

Re: Exit button not shown

how about closing the of blank application

Yo tengo el mismo problema: Genero un Nuevo Boton de enlace, lo coloco en la Barra de herramientas superior y me desaparece el boton de Salir en la aplicacion, este problema se da fuera del entorno de desarrollo, dentro del mismo ambos botones se ven con Normalidad.
Otra cosa que tambien note es que en la Barra de herramientas inferior, no aparecen los botones de navegacion, con el mismo sintoma que el problema anterior, dentro del entorno de desarrollo se ven, y fuera de este no.