Export of a Grid where a field is an HTML Image give me error

Hello I’ve a grid with a field that is a HTML Image (bullet to show Order Type).
When I try to export for istance in XLS format I receive a series of errors like

Undefined property: grid_salesman_orders_xls::$tipoord

On field and on Export section I can’t find anything to set in order to avoid the export of field.
Can you help me on fixing this problem ?
On attachement the PDF export of grid

This is the code I use to show or not it on grid. I don’t know if Export could have problem with it .

//Display B2B yellow dot

$sql_ceck_order_type="SELECT Tipo_Ord FROM orders WHERE OrderID = {OrderID} AND Tipo_Ord = ‘{Tipo_Ord}’ ";
sc_lookup(ds_order_type, $sql_ceck_order_type);



$sql_tot_val_orders=“SELECT SUM(UnitPrice*Quantity) FROM orders_details
WHERE OrderID = {OrderID} AND Tipo_Ord = ‘{Tipo_Ord}’” ;

sc_lookup(rs, $sql_tot_val_orders);

if (isset({rs[0][0]})) // Row found
{tot_orders_value} = {rs[0][0]} ;
else // No row found