Export to xls error (couldn't load plugin)

I am using SC version 9.6
When I export a GRID to xls in my development environment it work fine
But I export a GRID to xls in my production environment I got the error attached once I click on the VIEW BUTTON: COULDN’T LOAD PLUGIN
My development environment is Windows 10
My production environment is Linux server ubuntu 18
PS: Number of records to export is 4 Rows and 5 colums of data

-When I click on the download button I can open the downloaded xls file from Linux server
-When I try to export same GRID to xlsx the process stuck 99% on my Linux server

Can anyone assist me?

It maybe that the memory available on your Linux server is too low, you should try to increase it

try to set memory_limit to 256M or more in php.ini (I use 1024M)

The COULDN’T LOAD PLUGIN sound like a problem with your browser, not SC

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Great support. I am fine now.
Thank you.