Express edit problems with theme

If I use expressedit to apply a new theme on all applications then fieldtypes are not left untouched. A label field is changed to a multicolumn edit, same for (some) htmledit fields (and the htmleditor is removed from the selectable list which re-appears after logging off and on), select fields are changed to edit, securitymodule is corrupted. A lot of work to fix all the issues.


Issue reported to our bugs team.

Bernhard Bernsmann


I performed some tests locally and could not simulate your problem. Could you tell me more details?
What is the application you are using?
When changing the theme of the application by the express edition, all fields return to the default setting?

Of course the issue is very difficult to reproduce. I have a large application (over 130 apps) and it doesn’t happen on each and every module. I have been working with the webshop sample and my guess is that if somebody changes field types old data is kept causing uncertain results. I have worked a lot within these modules so it migh have something to do with unexpected changing field types.