Failed to create connection.


Developed a project with 4 and MS Access scriptcase 200S that was hosted on a server with OS Windows XP SP3 and everything worked well, but I need to post them on another server with Windows Seven (An error occurred while Connecting to the database server.

The multi-step operation generated errors OLE DB. Check the status values of OLE DB if possible. Not performed any work
Diagnose that php has support COM as it says in the instructions. I can do to fix it.

Thank you for your prompt response.

Re: Failed to create connection.

How are you connecting to the access?

Connection type …

Re: Failed to create connection.

The connection to access it through ADO. The same thing happens on Windows Vista Home Premium 32 and 64 bits.

Thank you for your help.

Re: Failed to create connection.

Windows Vista and windows seven doesnt support ADO very well. Just to test, try to create an ODBC.